SuperSport wanted to dominate the conversation around the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil. 

We created the first truly real-time sports social media campaign in Africa with a war-room team responsible for complimenting the live TV viewing experience with un-paralleled second screen content.  


In order to create great real-time content a dedicated team worked in the build up to, and live during selected games.

The team met daily to make sure they were up to speed on every story, every potential outcome and every detail. We separated events into those that will happen, those that are likely to happen and those that might. 

Each team member had their specific role on matchday, including a creative director, stat man, live photography manager, copywriter, graphic designer and community manager. As a collective the team was responsible for coming up with ideas.

We focused on four key elements to ensure success:

1. Speed/turn-around time

2. Selection and treatment of images

3. Pithy captions/headlines

4. Resonant and relevant copy

Content was made up of the following, always including #SSFootball and #WorldCup:

– Build up 

– Live in-play reactive

– Post match 


– Twitter 

– Facebook 

– Instagram

Posts were sent out within 6 minutes of occurrences/incidents during play.

The campaign accounted for 425 pieces of content across 19 selected World Cup fixtures from 12 June -13 July 2014.


+1.1M community members added during the campaign 

70% of all engagement on SuperSport social content during the period was generated by the campaign

While #SSFootball usually holds a low share of voice in the South African landscape on Twitter, it jumped dramatically to no.1 during the campaign

June/July 2014 saw more activity and reach than the entire preceding year on the football page


Silver at the Assegaai Awards for Best Use of Social Media